Showing posts with label Aggregates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aggregates. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

T-SQL Tuesday #016: AWF-Inspiring Queries

T-SQL TuesdayThis blog entry is participating in T-SQL Tuesday #016, hosted this month by Jes Schultz Borland (also known as grrlgeek). And no, we are not related, because you can plainly see that she puts an extraneous “t” in Schulz. (Sorry, Jes, I couldn’t resist).

You are invited to visit her blog and join the party and read more blogs participating in this month’s theme: Aggregates.

In May and June of 2010, I had the pleasure of giving a talk on Window Functions to the San Francisco and Silicon Valley SQL Server User Groups. I’ve been meaning to put together a blog post or two consisting of highlights of those presentations, but I just never got around to it.

Jes’ T-SQL Tuesday invitation was the perfect catalyst… And so this blog post will be specifically about Aggregate Window Functions (AWF) and some tips and tricks and traps.

Who Am I? Where Do I Fit In?

Consider the following query, which gives a detailed list of all the orders in AdventureWorks. The result is sorted by CustomerID and SalesOrderID for our convenience:

select CustomerID
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader
order by CustomerID
CustomerID SalesOrderID SalesPersonID OrderDate OrderDollars
---------- ------------ ------------- ---------- ------------
1 43860 280 2001-08-01 14603.7393
1 44501 280 2001-11-01 26128.8674
1 45283 280 2002-02-01 37643.1378
1 46042 280 2002-05-01 34722.9906
2 46976 283 2002-08-01 10184.0774
2 47997 283 2002-11-01 5469.5941
. . .
(31465 Rows Total)
Take a look at the first row in this result set… Order Number 43860. This row has an identity complex.

Sure, it knows that it’s an order for CustomerID 1, and it was handled by SalesPersonID 280, and it was ordered in the month of August 2001, and it was worth about $14600.

But what does all that really mean? The row is wondering: “What is my place in the world? How do I stack up against other rows? Who am I? I know that I belong to CustomerID 1, but am I that customer’s only order? Or am I one of many? What about my order amount of $14600? Am I a small order for that customer? Or am I huge? What percentage of CustomerID 1’s orders is attributable to me? What about my SalesPerson? Is my order amount above or below average for that SalesPerson? What about compared to ALL orders in AdventureWorks?”

This row has a lot of questions about the world outside of its little 1-row universe.

Since we sorted the result by CustomerID, it’s easy to see from our perspective the partition of rows for CustomerID number 1. And we can see quickly that Order 43860 is just 1 of 4 orders for this Customer, and, if we’re quick with mental calculations, we can see that the average dollars for that Customer’s orders is around $28000, so that makes Order 43860 below average.

We’ve always had the ability to analyze partitions (or groups) of data with the GROUP BY clause, like so:

select CustomerID
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader
group by CustomerID
order by CustomerID
CustomerID NumOrders TotalDollars AverageDollars
---------- --------- ------------ --------------
1 4 113098.7351 28274.6837
2 8 32733.9695 4091.7461
3 12 479506.3256 39958.8604
4 8 780035.2121 97504.4015
5 8 114218.8006 14277.35
. . .
(19119 Rows Total)
And we can also get information on the large single partition of ALL orders:

select NumOrders=count(*)
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader
NumOrders TotalDollars AverageDollars
--------- -------------- --------------
31465 140707584.8246 4471.8762
But in getting that summary information, we lose the detail.

The Window Functions introduced in SQL2005 allow us to “marry” the detail and the summary information… and we also are not limited to partitioning the data in only one way.

There are Ranking Window Functions like ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK, and NTILE, but I want to focus instead on Aggregate Window Functions, like SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX, etc.

What differentiates a regular Aggregate from a Windowed Aggregate is the OVER clause, where we can specify how we want to partition the data:

Aggregate_Function( <parameter> ) OVER ( [PARTITION BY <partition_list>] )
The OVER clause defines how we want to partition the data into groups of rows, and the Aggregate Function is applied to each of those groups, returning a value for that group.

Note that the PARTITION BY clause is optional, but if it is left out, then it is implied that the aggregate is applied to the partition of the entire result set.

So, with that in mind, let’s look at our original query once again, but this time, through Aggregate Window Functions, let’s answer some of Order 43860’s questions. How many order does its customer have? What percent of the customer’s orders is its value responsible for? Is its value above or below average for the customer? What about for the salesperson? What about the entire company?

select CstID=CustomerID
,[#CstOrds]=count(*) over (partition by CustomerID)
,[%CustTot]=TotalDue / sum(TotalDue) over (partition by CustomerID) * 100
,[+/-CustAvg]=TotalDue - avg(TotalDue) over (partition by CustomerID)
,[+/-SlsPsnAvg]=TotalDue - avg(TotalDue) over (partition by SalesPersonID)
,[+/-OverallAvg]=TotalDue - avg(TotalDue) over ()
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader
order by CustomerID, SalesOrderID
CstID OrdID SPsnID Dollars #CstOrds %CustTot +/-CustAvg +/-SlsPsnAvg +/-OverallAvg
----- ----- ------ ---------- -------- -------- ----------- ------------ -------------
1 43860 280 14603.7393 4 12.91 -13670.9444 -32270.8068 10131.8631
1 44501 280 26128.8674 4 23.10 -2145.8163 -20745.6787 21656.9912
1 45283 280 37643.1378 4 33.28 9368.4541 -9231.4083 33171.2616
1 46042 280 34722.9906 4 30.70 6448.3069 -12151.5555 30251.1144
2 46976 283 10184.0774 8 31.11 6092.3313 -16428.8692 5712.2012
2 47997 283 5469.5941 8 16.70 1377.848 -21143.3525 997.7179
2 49054 283 1739.4078 8 5.31 -2352.3383 -24873.5388 -2732.4684
. . .
(31465 Rows Total)
This is great! Now Order 43860 knows so much more about itself and how it fits into the world, and we have relieved it of the burden of expensive therapy sessions.

What is a Result Set?

It’s important to know, however, that these Window Functions are applied to the Result Set, and not to the original source data (i.e. the tables) of the query.

For example, if we add a WHERE clause to that last query to only look at orders placed in the year 2001, then that completely changes the Result Set…

select CstID=CustomerID
,[#CstOrds]=count(*) over (partition by CustomerID)
,[%CustTot]=TotalDue / sum(TotalDue) over (partition by CustomerID) * 100
,[+/-CustAvg]=TotalDue - avg(TotalDue) over (partition by CustomerID)
,[+/-SlsPsnAvg]=TotalDue - avg(TotalDue) over (partition by SalesPersonID)
,[+/-OverallAvg]=TotalDue - avg(TotalDue) over ()
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader
where OrderDate>='20010101' and OrderDate<'20020101'
order by CustomerID, SalesOrderID
CstID OrdID SPsnID Dollars #CstOrds %CustTot +/-CustAvg +/-SlsPsnAvg +/-OverallAvg
----- ----- ------ ---------- -------- -------- ----------- ------------ -------------
1 43860 280 14603.7393 2 35.85 -5762.564 -25709.6621 4213.9263
1 44501 280 26128.8674 2 64.14 5762.5641 -14184.534 15739.0544
3 44124 277 20504.1755 2 51.57 627.7545 -9620.1415 10114.3625
3 44791 277 19248.6666 2 48.42 -627.7544 -10875.6504 8858.8536
11 43853 282 34946.6266 2 86.60 14771.4029 7888.1527 24556.8136
11 44495 282 5403.8208 2 13.39 -14771.4029 -21654.6531 -4985.9922
. . .
(1379 Rows Total)
…And we see that Order 43860’s perspective completely changes. Now he’s only one of 2 orders of CustomerID 1, and he now makes up a full 35.85% of that customer’s order total (as opposed to only 12.91%). And he’s only $4000 above the overall average of all orders in AdventureWorks (as opposed to $10000 above average).

Because Window Functions are applied to partitions of the Result Set, it’s important to understand the logical processing order of a query so that we really know what a “Result Set” is.

In simplest terms, the logical processing order of a query’s clauses is like so:

(At this point we have a Result Set)
So Window Functions only come into play after we’ve done the FROM and JOINs and WHEREs and the GROUPing and HAVING stuff.

And this is why the Window Functions can only be used in the SELECT or ORDER BY clauses of a query.

What About the WHERE Clause?

You may NOT use Window Functions in a WHERE clause.

For example, let’s consider orders placed in January of 2004… Which orders had an above-average dollar amount (for that time period)? The following query, which employs a subquery to get the average for the month, will work fine:

select SalesOrderID 
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader
where OrderDate>='20040101' and OrderDate<'20040201'
and TotalDue>(select avg(TotalDue)
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader
where OrderDate>='20040101' and OrderDate<'20040201')
order by SalesOrderID
SalesOrderID CustomerID OrderDate OrderDollars
------------ ----------- ---------- ---------------------
61173 676 2004-01-01 38511.2882
61174 622 2004-01-01 9128.8743
61175 34 2004-01-01 34218.425
61177 442 2004-01-01 28287.8223
61178 510 2004-01-01 3565.8474
. . .
(498 Rows Total)
But don’t you just hate having to duplicate the WHERE clause in the subquery? One might be tempted to use Window Function to get the average of the result set and put it in the WHERE clause like so:

select SalesOrderID 
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader
where OrderDate>='20040101' and OrderDate<'20040201'
and TotalDue>avg(TotalDue) over ()
order by SalesOrderID
Msg 4108, Level 15, State 1, Line 7
Windowed functions can only appear in the SELECT or ORDER BY clauses.
Well, that error message makes things clear, doesn’t it? We simply can’t do it that way. But how do we accomplish our goal? We’d have to use a CTE that included the Window Function, and then in the query that uses the CTE, we can now filter out what we want:

with SourceData as
select SalesOrderID
,OverallAverageDollars=avg(TotalDue) over ()
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader
where OrderDate>='20040101' and OrderDate<'20040201'
select SalesOrderID
from SourceData
where OrderDollars>OverallAverageDollars
order by SalesOrderID
SalesOrderID CustomerID OrderDate OrderDollars
------------ ----------- ---------- ------------
61173 676 2004-01-01 38511.2882
61174 622 2004-01-01 9128.8743
61175 34 2004-01-01 34218.425
61177 442 2004-01-01 28287.8223
61178 510 2004-01-01 3565.8474
. . .
(498 Rows Total)
There, that’s better.

The GROUP BY Puzzle

This knowledge of when the Window Functions come into play is especially important when doing a GROUP BY query.

Let’s take a look at quantities sold by Region/Territory:

select Region=t.CountryRegionCode
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail d
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader h on d.SalesOrderID=h.SalesOrderID
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesTerritory t on h.TerritoryID=t.TerritoryID
group by t.CountryRegionCode
order by Region
Region Territory OrderTotal
------ -------------- ----------
AU Australia 18293
CA Canada 49381
DE Germany 13143
FR France 19906
GB United Kingdom 20099
US Central 19493
US Northeast 19843
US Northwest 36776
US Southeast 18875
US Southwest 59105
We get a request to show how each territory contributes (percentage-wise) to the grand total. We might be tempted to do that by using the SUM Aggregate Window Function to calculate the grand total of the entire result set and divide each row’s total by that grand total to get a percentage.

select Region=t.CountryRegionCode
,PercentOfTotal=100.0 * sum(OrderQty) / sum(OrderQty) over ()
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail d
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader h on d.SalesOrderID=h.SalesOrderID
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesTerritory t on h.TerritoryID=t.TerritoryID
group by t.CountryRegionCode
order by Region
Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Column 'AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail.OrderQty' is invalid in the select list
because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
Huh? What does that error message mean? OrderQty is not in the SELECT list… it’s part of an aggregate. Why does the optimizer think it’s in the SELECT list?

Let’s take a step back for a moment. What was the result set of our original query? It was 3 columns: Region, Territory, and OrderTotal. That OrderTotal column was simply SUM(OrderQty). So then what would the Grand Total of the entire result set be? Ah-hah! It would be the SUM of all the SUM(OrderQty)’s. So that’s what we have to use in our Aggregate Window Function:

select Region=t.CountryRegionCode
,PercentOfTotal=100.0 * sum(OrderQty) / sum(sum(OrderQty)) over ()
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail d
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader h on d.SalesOrderID=h.SalesOrderID
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesTerritory t on h.TerritoryID=t.TerritoryID
group by t.CountryRegionCode
order by Region
Region Territory OrderTotal PercentOfTotal
------ -------------- ---------- ---------------
AU Australia 18293 6.654080912576
CA Canada 49381 17.962344587761
DE Germany 13143 4.780767803749
FR France 19906 7.240809853263
GB United Kingdom 20099 7.311013626079
US Central 19493 7.090581054438
US Northeast 19843 7.217893595815
US Northwest 36776 13.377274347614
US Southeast 18875 6.865783481379
US Southwest 59105 21.499450737321
So, in short, we can’t apply an Aggregate Window Function to the expression OrderQty, because by the time that the GROUP BY does its job, the OrderQty column is not available anymore… It is not in the Result Set. However, SUM(OrderQty) was in our Result Set, so we can apply our SUM function to that expression… thus, SUM(SUM(OrderQty)).


One final word on Aggregate Window Functions: Using an Aggregate Window Function in the SELECT clause makes sense. But how the heck would you use one in an ORDER BY?

Here’s an interesting example of how that might be useful. Let’s take a look at the top 100 orders (in terms of dollars). Let’s see which SalesPersons are associated with those orders:

select top 100 SalesPersonID
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
join AdventureWorks.Person.Contact c on soh.SalesPersonID=c.ContactID
order by TotalDue desc
SalesPersonID FirstName LastName SalesOrderID OrderDate TotalDue
------------- --------- -------- ------------ ---------- -----------
281 Jauna Elson 51131 2003-07-01 247913.9138
281 Jauna Elson 55282 2003-10-01 227737.7215
285 Gail Erickson 46616 2002-07-01 207058.3754
286 Mark Erickson 46981 2002-08-01 201490.4144
275 Maciej Dusza 47395 2002-09-01 198628.3054
. . .
286 Mark Erickson 51735 2003-08-01 123218.8124
286 Mark Erickson 53497 2003-09-01 122462.2807
275 Maciej Dusza 51153 2003-07-01 122035.2702
281 Jauna Elson 44127 2001-09-01 121141.6984
285 Gail Erickson 46959 2002-08-01 120843.8322
(100 Rows Total)
That gives us the detail about those Top 100 Orders. But it doesn’t give us any kind of perspective. We can see that Jauna Elson had the two biggest orders in the company, but does she have any others? What if we sort the result so that the SalesPerson who has the most orders is at the top of the result, and the SalesPerson with the second most orders is next, and so on? All we have to do is ORDER BY the COUNT of orders of each partition of SalesPersonID, like so:

select top 100 SalesPersonID
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
join AdventureWorks.Person.Contact c on soh.SalesPersonID=c.ContactID
order by count(*) over (partition by SalesPersonID) desc
SalesPersonID FirstName LastName SalesOrderID OrderDate TotalDue
------------- --------- -------- ------------ ---------- ----------
277 Linda Ecoffey 71894 2004-06-01 92952.5948
277 Linda Ecoffey 71908 2004-06-01 2791.3805
277 Linda Ecoffey 71939 2004-06-01 972.785
277 Linda Ecoffey 71940 2004-06-01 668.3798
277 Linda Ecoffey 71929 2004-06-01 66.2255
. . .
277 Linda Ecoffey 63274 2004-02-01 486.3925
277 Linda Ecoffey 63286 2004-02-01 449.506
277 Linda Ecoffey 63221 2004-02-01 50.2703
277 Linda Ecoffey 63226 2004-02-01 50.2703
277 Linda Ecoffey 63232 2004-02-01 102.1309
(100 Rows Total)
Isn’t that cool? We see that Linda Ecoffey has the most orders, so she’s at the top, and at the bottom of the list, we see---

What a minute…

Something’s wrong here. Linda Ecoffey is the only one in the report. Where’s Jauna Elson? Why are piddly little $50 orders showing up in our query?

Any idea?

It’s the Logical Processing Order of the query coming into play again! What is the very last thing that happens in a query? The TOP operator! Our COUNT(*) Window Function was applied to CustomerID partitions of ALL orders… and THEN the TOP operator was applied.

So once again, we have to split the query up and get the Top 100 Orders in a CTE, and THEN use the ORDER BY in the main query that uses that CTE:

with Top100Sales as
select top 100 SalesPersonID
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
join AdventureWorks.Person.Contact c on soh.SalesPersonID=c.ContactID
order by TotalDue desc
select *
from Top100Sales
order by count(*) over (partition by SalesPersonID) desc
SalesPersonID FirstName LastName SalesOrderID OrderDate TotalDue
------------- --------- --------- ------------ ---------- -----------
277 Linda Ecoffey 43884 2001-08-01 154912.0712
277 Linda Ecoffey 44528 2001-11-01 144355.8792
277 Linda Ecoffey 46660 2002-07-01 162629.7468
277 Linda Ecoffey 53506 2003-09-01 142587.761
277 Linda Ecoffey 47027 2002-08-01 141111.7487
277 Linda Ecoffey 50683 2003-06-01 140349.1998
277 Linda Ecoffey 44530 2001-11-01 139414.5241
277 Linda Ecoffey 46067 2002-05-01 135306.5844
277 Linda Ecoffey 49888 2003-04-01 128123.3556
277 Linda Ecoffey 47658 2002-10-01 132199.8023
277 Linda Ecoffey 46642 2002-07-01 130825.509
277 Linda Ecoffey 46066 2002-05-01 133271.8758
277 Linda Ecoffey 47712 2002-10-01 133229.5585
277 Linda Ecoffey 47990 2002-11-01 133056.7092
277 Linda Ecoffey 46629 2002-07-01 132987.326
277 Linda Ecoffey 48048 2002-11-01 126309.4039
276 Shelley Dyck 50304 2003-05-01 123326.9867
276 Shelley Dyck 69471 2004-05-01 131279.032
276 Shelley Dyck 44777 2001-12-01 132235.1616
. . .
283 Terry Eminhizer 51123 2003-07-01 125068.34
283 Terry Eminhizer 46643 2002-07-01 149897.3647
283 Terry Eminhizer 51711 2003-08-01 136046.4425
287 Martha Espinoza 50297 2003-05-01 137108.3865
287 Martha Espinoza 69508 2004-05-01 140734.4875
289 Janeth Esteves 55254 2003-10-01 140521.5049
289 Janeth Esteves 51761 2003-08-01 146293.234
280 Shannon Elliott 47033 2002-08-01 125254.4859
280 Shannon Elliott 67297 2004-04-01 125144.0084
268 Gary Drury 51830 2003-08-01 149861.0659
(100 Rows Total)
So that’s more like it. Linda Ecoffey is the top sales person in terms of having the most orders of the Top 100. Then comes Shelley Dyck and her orders (not all listed). And at the bottom of the list is Gary Drury with only one order in the Top 100.

So this is a novel way of looking at a query result and seeing at a glance that Linda is our big gun and she really leaves Gary in the dust.

But is this fair? Maybe the quantity of orders is not a good representation of who is our big gun. Perhaps finding out who brings in the highest average dollar amount of orders should be put at the top. Easy enough… We’ll just change our ORDER BY clause:

with Top100Sales as
select top 100 SalesPersonID
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
join AdventureWorks.Person.Contact c on soh.SalesPersonID=c.ContactID
order by TotalDue desc
select *
from Top100Sales
order by avg(TotalDue) over (partition by SalesPersonID) desc
SalesPersonID FirstName LastName SalesOrderID OrderDate TotalDue
------------- --------- --------- ------------ ---------- -----------
281 Jauna Elson 44762 2001-12-01 123265.0706
281 Jauna Elson 61184 2004-01-01 125364.2684
281 Jauna Elson 50252 2003-05-01 126565.2584
281 Jauna Elson 44127 2001-09-01 121141.6984
281 Jauna Elson 47441 2002-09-01 153055.214
281 Jauna Elson 47018 2002-08-01 144864.8759
281 Jauna Elson 47369 2002-09-01 189198.6156
281 Jauna Elson 51131 2003-07-01 247913.9138
281 Jauna Elson 55282 2003-10-01 227737.7215
281 Jauna Elson 67305 2004-04-01 155260.0958
281 Jauna Elson 48043 2002-11-01 129398.8662
281 Jauna Elson 44795 2001-12-01 139562.6866
268 Gary Drury 51830 2003-08-01 149861.0659
286 Mark Erickson 57143 2003-11-01 126349.7887
286 Mark Erickson 50222 2003-05-01 124696.565
286 Mark Erickson 51735 2003-08-01 123218.8124
. . .
277 Linda Ecoffey 47990 2002-11-01 133056.7092
277 Linda Ecoffey 46629 2002-07-01 132987.326
277 Linda Ecoffey 48048 2002-11-01 126309.4039
283 Terry Eminhizer 51123 2003-07-01 125068.34
283 Terry Eminhizer 46643 2002-07-01 149897.3647
283 Terry Eminhizer 51711 2003-08-01 136046.4425
280 Shannon Elliott 47033 2002-08-01 125254.4859
280 Shannon Elliott 67297 2004-04-01 125144.0084
(100 Rows Total)
So Jauna is the champion in terms of highest-dollar average orders, and our friend Gary Drury, who ranked dead last in the previous query, redeems himself in this one because, although he only has one order, it is for a large amount, making him the second highest SalesPerson in terms of average dollars. Linda Ecoffey comes out towards the bottom.

In Conclusion

I hope this article gave you some insight into Aggregate Window Functions (AWF)… If you can’t get enough of this stuff, please also read a blog post I wrote last year called OVER Exposed, in which I talk in more detail about AWF’s and more gotchas and what really goes on under the hood with them.

Now go out there and produce some AWF-Inspiring Queries!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

OVER Exposed

The introduction of the OVER clause in SQL2005 gave us some terrific new capabilities in ranking data (via ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), DENSE_RANK(), NTILE()) and in aggregating data (COUNT(), SUM(), AVG(), etc). In this blog entry, I specifically want to talk about the OVER clause with respect to aggregates.

OVER Clause Overview

Let’s take a look at AdventureWorks Sales Order data in the United States (which is represented by TerritoryID’s 1 thru 5):

select sod.SalesOrderID
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail sod
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh on sod.SalesOrderID=soh.SalesOrderID
where TerritoryID between 1 and 5
order by SalesOrderID
SalesOrderID CustomerID ProductID UnitPrice
------------ ---------- --------- ---------
43659 676 709 5.70
43659 676 711 20.1865
43659 676 712 5.1865
43659 676 714 28.8404
43659 676 716 28.8404
43659 676 771 2039.994
43659 676 772 2039.994
(60153 Rows Total)
Thanks to the OVER clause, we can effortlessly incorporate a column into that query that shows us each ProductID’s Average UnitPrice in that result:

select sod.SalesOrderID
,AvgPrice=avg(UnitPrice) over (partition by ProductID)
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail sod
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh on sod.SalesOrderID=soh.SalesOrderID
where TerritoryID between 1 and 5
order by SalesOrderID
SalesOrderID CustomerID ProductID UnitPrice AvgPrice
------------ ---------- --------- --------- ---------
43659 676 709 5.70 5.6525
43659 676 711 20.1865 28.2153
43659 676 712 5.1865 7.0082
43659 676 714 28.8404 34.4369
43659 676 716 28.8404 35.1093
43659 676 771 2039.994 2085.9938
43659 676 772 2039.994 2043.917
(60153 Rows Total)
Let’s add one additional column that shows the UnitPrice’s Percent of the Average:

select sod.SalesOrderID
,AvgPrice=avg(UnitPrice) over (partition by ProductID)
,PercentOfAvg=UnitPrice/avg(UnitPrice) over (partition by ProductID)*100
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail sod
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh on sod.SalesOrderID=soh.SalesOrderID
where TerritoryID between 1 and 5
order by SalesOrderID
SalesOrderID CustomerID ProductID UnitPrice AvgPrice PercentOfAvg
------------ ---------- --------- --------- --------- ------------
43659 676 709 5.70 5.6525 100.84
43659 676 711 20.1865 28.2153 71.54
43659 676 712 5.1865 7.0082 74.00
43659 676 714 28.8404 34.4369 83.74
43659 676 716 28.8404 35.1093 82.14
43659 676 771 2039.994 2085.9938 97.79
43659 676 772 2039.994 2043.917 99.80
(60153 Rows Total)
And finally, let’s just look at the 50 Line Items that had the lowest Percentages by changing our ORDER BY and adding a TOP 50 to the query:

top 50 sod.SalesOrderID
,AvgPrice=avg(UnitPrice) over (partition by ProductID)
,PercentOfAvg=UnitPrice/avg(UnitPrice) over (partition by ProductID)*100
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail sod
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh on sod.SalesOrderID=soh.SalesOrderID
where TerritoryID between 1 and 5
order by PercentOfAvg
SalesOrderID CustomerID ProductID UnitPrice AvgPrice PercentOfAvg
------------ ---------- --------- --------- -------- ------------
69408 236 987 112.998 337.3797 33.49
69413 43 987 112.998 337.3797 33.49
69418 381 987 112.998 337.3797 33.49
69442 233 987 112.998 337.3797 33.49
69418 381 984 112.998 330.3681 34.20
69422 650 984 112.998 330.3681 34.20
69452 9 984 112.998 330.3681 34.20
69468 237 984 112.998 330.3681 34.20
(50 Rows Total)
Well, that was easy. The OVER clause made our code nice and compact. If we didn’t have the OVER clause available to us, we would have had to write the query like the one below, JOINing our source data to a derived table where we computed the aggregate via a GROUP BY clause:

;with SourceData as
select sod.SalesOrderID
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail sod
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh on sod.SalesOrderID=soh.SalesOrderID
where soh.TerritoryID between 1 and 5
top 50 SalesOrderID
from SourceData S
join (select ProductID
from SourceData
group by ProductID) G on S.ProductID=G.ProductID
order by PercentOfAvg
SalesOrderID CustomerID ProductID UnitPrice AvgPrice PercentOfAvg
------------ ---------- --------- --------- -------- ------------
69408 236 987 112.998 337.3797 33.49
69413 43 987 112.998 337.3797 33.49
69418 381 987 112.998 337.3797 33.49
69442 233 987 112.998 337.3797 33.49
69418 381 984 112.998 330.3681 34.20
69422 650 984 112.998 330.3681 34.20
69452 9 984 112.998 330.3681 34.20
69468 237 984 112.998 330.3681 34.20
(50 Rows Total)
That JOIN/GROUP BY approach took a lot more code and it looks like a lot of work, mainly because it has to scan the SalesOrderHeader and SalesOrderDetail tables twice, as we can see in the query plan:


The query plan of the OVER Clause query, on the other hand, only scans those tables once:

OVER Query Plan

So it must be a lot more efficient, right?


Let’s take a look at the statistics for the two queries, collected by Profiler (with Query Results Discarded so that we are purely looking at processing time of the query and not the time to render the output):

Description Reads Writes CPU Duration
OVER Clause 125801 2 617 1406
JOIN with GROUP BY 3916 0 308 1176
The OVER clause was a real pig as far as the Number of Reads is concerned. And it had higher CPU and Duration than the JOIN approach.

The OVER Clause Query Plan In Depth

Let’s take a closer look at the OVER clause actual execution plan once more, where I’ve added some annotations (please click on the image below to see a larger version in another browser window):

OVER Query Plan With Annotations

Looking at the outer loop (operators #5 thru #10), the rows that come from the merged table scans (#8, #9, #10) get sorted (#7) by ProductID. The Segment operator (#6) receives those rows and feeds them, groups (or segments) at a time, to the Table Spool operator (#5).

As the Table Spool (#5) receives those rows in a group, it saves a copy of the rows and then sends a single row to the Nested Loops operator (#4), indicating that it has done its job of saving the group’s rows.

Now that the Nested Loops operator (#4) has received its outer input, it calls for the inner input, which will come from operators #11 thru #15. The two other table spools in the plan (#14 and #15) are the same spool as #5, but they are replaying the copies of the rows that #5 had saved. The Stream Aggregate (#13) calculates the SUM(UnitPrice) and COUNT(*) and the Compute Scalar (#12) divides those two values to come up with the AVG(UnitPrice). This single value is JOINed (via the #11 Nested Loops operator) with the rows replayed by the Spool #15.

And then the Spool (#5) truncates its saved data and gets to work on the next group that it receives from the Segment operator (#6). And so on and so on, for each fresh group of ProductID's.

So, in a logical sense, this plan is also doing a GROUP BY and a JOIN, except it’s doing it with a single scan of the source data. However, to accomplish that, it has to do a triple scan of the spooled data, thus producing those hundreds of thousands of reads.

Memory Usage

If you hover your mouse over the SELECT operator (#1) in the actual query plan of our OVER Clause query, you can see that it requests a Memory Grant of 5288 Kbytes:

OVER Query's Memory Grant

By comparison, our traditional JOIN/GROUP BY query only requests 1544 Kbytes.

In the case of the JOIN/GROUP BY query, the memory grant is for the “Top N” Sort and the two Hashing operators. As Adam Haines demonstrated in a recent blog entry, a TOP value of 100 or less does not require that much memory. It would only request 1024K. The additional memory required for the Hashes brought its request up to 1544K.

The OVER query, though is a different story. It also does a “Top N” Sort (#2), but, in addition, it does a full Sort (#7) of the source data, which requires a lot more memory than a “Top N” Sort. Thus the much larger memory grant request.

Things get a lot worse as we increase the size of our result set. Let’s add a lot more columns to our output, increasing the row size that the Sort operator must process from 27 bytes to 402 bytes…

top 50 sod.SalesOrderID
,AvgPrice=avg(UnitPrice) over (partition by ProductID)
,PercentOfAvg=UnitPrice/avg(UnitPrice) over (partition by ProductID)*100
/* Let's add a bunch of other columns */
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail sod
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh on sod.SalesOrderID=soh.SalesOrderID
where TerritoryID between 1 and 5
order by PercentOfAvg
For this, the Memory Grant request balloons to 25,264K. If we add all those extra columns to our traditional JOIN/GROUP BY query, its Memory Grant request still remains at 1544K.

Collecting Profiler statistics for the two queries with all those extra columns shows more interesting information:

Description Reads Writes CPU Duration
OVER Clause 144936 790 1696 2125
JOIN with GROUP BY 3916 0 850 1725
Note all the extra writes that were required for the OVER query. The row size of the data that we needed to sort is too big to do completely in memory and it spilled over into TempDB, writing 790 pages worth of data.

The lesson here is that the JOIN/GROUP BY approach is faster and more efficient and less of a memory hog if you’re processing a large number of rows and/or if your rows are wide.

For our JOIN/GROUP BY query, the optimizer has the flexibility to choose from a variety of plans to come up with the most cost-effective approach. In our examples, the optimizer determined that it was more cost-effective to use a Hash Aggregation and a Hash Join as opposed to sorting the data. The Hash operators are extremely efficient in handling large gobs of data… and that data does not have to be sorted. The OVER query, on the other hand, requires the data to be sorted, because it always uses a Segment operator (#6) and a Stream Aggregate operator (#13) which only work on pre-sorted data.

Taking the SORT out of the Equation

Okay, so let’s do another experiment. Let’s see how our two approaches work on data that is pre-sorted. Just for kicks, instead of PARTITIONing BY (or GROUPing BY) ProductID, let’s do it by SalesOrderID. Since both the SalesOrderHeader and SalesOrderDetail tables have a clustered index on SalesOrderID, the system can scan both files in SalesOrderID order, and do Merge Joins to join the two tables together, and we won’t require any sorts at all. And let’s also take out our TOP 50 (and the ORDER BY) so that no “Top N” Sort has to be performed on either query. So we won’t require any memory grants at all in either query, and no expensive Sort operations. Here are the revised queries:

/* OVER Approach */
select sod.SalesOrderID
/* Let's add a bunch of other columns */
,AvgPrice=avg(UnitPrice) over (partition by sod.SalesOrderID)
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail sod
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh on sod.SalesOrderID=soh.SalesOrderID
where TerritoryID between 1 and 5

/* JOIN/GROUP BY Approach */
;with SourceData as
select sod.SalesOrderID
/* Let's add a bunch of other columns */
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail sod
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh on sod.SalesOrderID=soh.SalesOrderID
where soh.TerritoryID between 1 and 5
select S.*
from SourceData S
join (select SalesOrderID
from SourceData S
group by SalesOrderID) G on S.SalesOrderID=G.SalesOrderID
Now let’s compare the performance of those two approaches:

Description Reads Writes CPU Duration
OVER Clause 192017 0 1445 1945
JOIN with GROUP BY 3914 0 683 1184
The JOIN/GROUP BY query still outperforms the OVER query in every respect. The OVER query still had to do truckloads of Reads, because of the Spooling. Note that the reads this time were even higher than they were in our original example, because there are more Groups of SalesOrderID’s (12041) than there are Groups of ProductID’s (265), so the Spools worked overtime, saving and replaying all those extra groups of data.

So it seems that the OVER clause is very convenient as far as coding and clarity, but unless you have pre-sorted data in a small number of groups with a small number of rows, the JOIN/GROUP BY approach may very well provide a better plan. That’s something to think about.

If you want the most efficient query possible, check out both approaches for performance. There may be some times when the optimizer will look at a JOIN/GROUP BY query and will construct a plan that is exactly like the OVER query anyway. For example, the following JOIN/GROUP BY query will do just that:

;with SourceData as
select sod.SalesOrderID
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail sod
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh on sod.SalesOrderID=soh.SalesOrderID
where soh.TerritoryID between 1 and 5
select SalesOrderID
from SourceData S
join (select ProductID
from SourceData
group by ProductID) G on S.ProductID=G.ProductID
order by ProductID
Interestingly enough, it ONLY creates an OVER-type plan for the above because I specified that I wanted the output to be ORDERed BY ProductID, which is our GROUP BY column. Because of that, the optimizer figured it was more cost-effective to SORT the data by ProductID up front and do the spooling stuff than it was to do the Hashing approach and SORT the final data by ProductID at the end. If you take the ORDER BY out of the query above, then the optimizer will revert back to a plan with Hash operators and no spooling.

But I DISTINCTly Asked For…

I know I’ve kind of trashed the OVER clause a bit during the course of this article, and I hate to kick someone when they’re down, but I’m afraid I have to bring something else up.

The OVER clause does not accept DISTINCT in its aggregate functions. In other words, the following query will bring about an error:

select SalesOrderID
,NumDistinctPrices=count(distinct UnitPrice) over (partition by ProductID)
,AvgDistinctPrice=avg(distinct UnitPrice) over (partition by ProductID)
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
Incorrect syntax near 'distinct'.
If you want DISTINCT aggregates, you are forced to use the JOIN/GROUP BY approach to accomplish this.

However, there may be times when, for whatever reason, you must scan the data only once. To be honest, the whole catalyst for my writing this article was a situation just like that. My source data was a derived table that produced random rows… something like this:

;with RandomRowNumsAdded as
select SalesOrderID
,RowNum=row_number() over (order by newid())
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail
select SalesOrderID
from RandomRowNumsAdded
where RowNum<=50
SalesOrderID ProductID UnitPrice
------------ --------- ----------
47439 762 469.794
72888 873 2.29
47640 780 2071.4196
51143 883 31.3142
. . .
48393 798 600.2625
63980 711 34.99
64590 780 2319.99
64262 877 7.95
(50 Rows Total)
(If you’re wondering why the heck I’d want something like this, then stay tuned… you’ll see why in a future blog post… my craziest one yet).

Clearly, that query will come out differently every time it is executed, so if I wanted to use a JOIN/GROUP BY to calculate a COUNT(DISTINCT) or AVG(DISTINCT), I couldn’t, because by scanning the information twice, each scan would produce two different outcomes and therefore the following JOIN/GROUP BY approach would not work, because the two scans would produce two different sets of ProductID’s and UnitPrices:

;with RandomRowNumsAdded as
select SalesOrderID
,RowNum=row_number() over (order by newid())
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail
SourceData as
select SalesOrderID
from RandomRowNumsAdded
where RowNum<=50
select S.*
from SourceData S
join (select ProductID
,NumDistinctPrices=count(distinct UnitPrice)
,AvgDistinctPrice=avg(distinct UnitPrice)
from SourceData
group by ProductID) G on S.ProductID=G.ProductID
Because of the two SCANs of the data, the JOIN above will
produce different numbers of rows (sometimes perhaps even
ZERO rows!) every time this query is run.
So I had to come up with a different way to do DISTINCT aggregates by only doing a single scan on the source data.

The answer ended up being… ta-dah!... the OVER clause, ironically enough. Even though you can’t do DISTINCT Aggregates directly with OVER, you can accomplish the task by first performing a ranking function (ROW_NUMBER()), and then follow that with a traditional non-DISTINCT aggregation. Here’s how, using my random-row source data:

;with RandomRowNumsAdded as
select SalesOrderID
,RowNum=row_number() over (order by newid())
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail
SourceData as
select SalesOrderID
,PriceSeq=row_number() over (partition by ProductID,UnitPrice order by UnitPrice)
from RandomRowNumsAdded
where RowNum<=50
select SalesOrderID
,NumDistinctPrices=count(case when PriceSeq=1 then UnitPrice end)
over (partition by ProductID)
,AvgDistinctPrice=avg(case when PriceSeq=1 then UnitPrice end)
over (partition by ProductID)
from SourceData
SalesOrderID ProductID UnitPrice NumDistinctPrices AvgDistinctPrice
------------ --------- --------- ----------------- ----------------
73078 708 34.99 1 34.99
74332 708 34.99 1 34.99
69526 711 19.2445 2 27.1172
64795 711 34.99 2 27.1172
. . .
51810 940 48.594 1 48.594
68514 955 2384.07 1 2384.07
71835 964 445.41 1 445.41
51823 968 1430.442 1 1430.442
(50 Rows Total)
We use ROW_NUMBER() to introduce a PriceSeq column, which resets to a value of 1 for each ProductID and UnitPrice combination. And then we only aggregate on those UnitPrices that have a PriceSeq of 1, since any rows with a PriceSeq of 2 and above will just be duplicate (non-DISTINCT) repeats of a ProductID and UnitPrice combination.

We already saw how an OVER aggregation query requires a Sort. In order to calculate DISTINCT aggregations, we require two sorts… one for the ROW_NUMBER() function to calculate our PriceSeq column and a second to do the aggregation. You can see this in the query plan:

ROW_NUMBER() and Aggregation Query Plan

This is a little odd, because the first sort orders the data by ProductID and UnitPrice, and the second sort orders the data by just ProductID. But that second sort is not necessary, because the first sort already put the data in a ProductID order anyway. It seems that the optimizer is not “smart enough” to know this and take advantage of it.

However, all is not completely lost. If the only DISTINCT aggregation you require in your query is a COUNT(), then you can use yet another clever approach to accomplish this:

;with RandomRowNumsAdded as
select SalesOrderID
,RowNum=row_number() over (order by newid())
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail
SourceData as
select SalesOrderID
,PriceDenseRank=dense_rank() over (partition by ProductID order by UnitPrice)
from RandomRowNumsAdded
where RowNum<=50
select SalesOrderID
,NumDistinctPrices=max(PriceDenseRank) over (partition by ProductID)
from SourceData
SalesOrderID ProductID UnitPrice NumDistinctPrices
------------ --------- --------- -----------------
67354 707 34.99 1
51653 707 34.99 1
58908 708 20.994 2
66632 708 34.99 2
. . .
51140 975 1020.594 1
68191 976 1700.99 1
72706 984 564.99 1
53606 987 338.994 1
(50 Rows Total)
This applies a DENSE_RANK() value to each different UnitPrice found within each ProductID, and we can then calculate the COUNT(DISTINCT) by just getting the MAX() of that PriceDenseRank value.

Since the DENSE_RANK() and the MAX() both do a PARTITION BY ProductID, their sorting requirements are exactly identical, and this query plan only requires a single sort as opposed to two:

DENSE_RANK() and MAX() Query Plan

Final Wrapup

I hope you enjoyed this in-depth look at Aggregations and the OVER Clause. To review what was illustrated in this article…
  • The OVER clause is very convenient for calculating aggregations, but using a JOIN/GROUP BY approach may very well perform more efficiently, especially on source data that has a large number of rows and/or has a wide row size and/or is unsorted.

  • If you want to calculate DISTINCT Aggregates, use the JOIN/GROUP BY approach; however, …

  • If you, for some reason, only want to scan the source data once, assign sequence numbers using ROW_NUMBER() and then aggregate only on those rows that received a sequence number of 1; however, …

  • If you only require COUNT(DISTINCT), then use DENSE_RANK() and MAX(), since that only requires a single sort instead of two.