Tuesday, December 7, 2010

HEAPs o’ Trouble With Multi-Column JOINs

You would just love the database that I’m dealing with at a client site.

First of all, the database has impossible-to-decipher 5-character table names, and their column names are just as bad, so I’m dealing with objects with awful names that look like XQUMB.XUMHF and YRWNO.YWNVZ.

Second of all, every table in the database is a Heap with no primary keys or indexes defined at all.

Great, huh?

But wait… that’s not all!

There are no small simple surrogate keys to logically tie the tables together in any kind of a relationship. Many of the tables have a logical key made up of multiple columns. So when I look at the stored procedures that JOIN the tables together, I see ugly stuff like this:

select X.XUMHF
from XQUMB as X
Doesn’t that look like fun?

None of the tables are really that large in terms of rows, so I figured performance would not be that big of a deal.


Bad assumption.

I’ve been so spoiled by only dealing with databases with well-defined keys and indexes that I never realized what a heap o’ trouble Heaps can be… especially when it comes to multi-column JOINs.

Let me illustrate with our old friend the AdventureWorks database.

Here’s a simple JOIN of 4 tables in the original database (with appropriate keys and indexes):

select p.ProductID as PID
from AdventureWorks.Production.Product p
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail d on p.ProductID=d.ProductID
join AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader h on d.SalesOrderID=h.SalesOrderID
join AdventureWorks.Sales.Customer c on h.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
order by p.ProductID
PID Name OrderQty SalesOrderNumber OrderDate TerritoryID
--- --------------------- -------- ---------------- ---------- -----------
707 Sport-100 Helmet, Red 1 SO43665 2001-07-01 1
707 Sport-100 Helmet, Red 2 SO43668 2001-07-01 6
707 Sport-100 Helmet, Red 4 SO43673 2001-07-01 2
. . .
999 Road-750 Black, 52 1 SO73926 2004-06-27 4
999 Road-750 Black, 52 1 SO74094 2004-06-29 9
999 Road-750 Black, 52 1 SO74143 2004-06-30 10

(121317 rows total in 2.7 seconds)
SSMS will spit that sorted result of 121,317 rows out in under 3 seconds.

Now let’s create some Heaps out of those 4 tables. And we will change the Products table so that its logical key is in 3 parts… instead of ProductID, we will have a multiple-column logical key of ProductMainID, ProductSubID, and ProductSubSubID. And, of course, we’ll have those same 3 columns in SalesOrderDetail to act as a (logical) foreign key reference into the Products table:

select ProductID as ProductMainID
,ProductID as ProductSubID
,ProductID as ProductSubSubID
into #Prods
from AdventureWorks.Production.Product

select SalesOrderID
into #OrdHeader
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderHeader

select SalesOrderID
,ProductID as ProductMainID
,ProductID as ProductSubID
,ProductID as ProductSubSubID
into #OrdDetail
from AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail

select CustomerID
into #Custs
from AdventureWorks.Sales.Customer
Now let’s do our query again using those Heaps, but of course, we have to use multiple columns to JOIN the #Prods and #OrdDetail tables:

select p.ProductMainID as PID
from #Prods p
join #OrdDetail d on p.ProductMainID=d.ProductMainID
and p.ProductSubID=d.ProductSubID
and p.ProductSubSubID=d.ProductSubSubID
join #OrdHeader h on d.SalesOrderID=h.SalesOrderID
join #Custs c on h.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
PID Name OrderQty SalesOrderNumber OrderDate TerritoryID
--- ------------------------------ -------- ---------------- ---------- -----------
878 Fender Set - Mountain 1 SO53960 2003-09-07 1
881 Short-Sleeve Classic Jersey, S 1 SO53987 2003-09-08 9
712 AWC Logo Cap 1 SO53987 2003-09-08 9
. . .
871 Mountain Bottle Cage 1 SO53426 2003-08-31 6
870 Water Bottle - 30 oz. 1 SO53426 2003-08-31 6
873 Patch Kit/8 Patches 1 SO53426 2003-08-31 6

(121317 rows total in 5.7 seconds)
Well, that’s not that bad. Instead of 2.7 seconds, it took 5.7 seconds. It’s not the end of the world. In fact, it kind of surprises me that---

Oops… Sorry about that. I forgot the ORDER BY clause. Silly me!

Let’s add the ORDER BY and run it again:

select p.ProductMainID as PID
from #Prods p
join #OrdDetail d on p.ProductMainID=d.ProductMainID
and p.ProductSubID=d.ProductSubID
and p.ProductSubSubID=d.ProductSubSubID
join #OrdHeader h on d.SalesOrderID=h.SalesOrderID
join #Custs c on h.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
order by p.ProductMainID
The addition of the ORDER BY made the query take 24 minutes!
WHAT!!!??? Are you kidding me?? Just adding that ORDER BY made the time increase from 5.7 seconds to 24 minutes! The query duration increased by a whopping 25132%! Heck, I could probably sort 100,000 records myself manually with pencil and paper in under 24 minutes!

Here are the utterly shocking Profiler Statistics comparing the two queries:

Description CPU Time Logical Reads Duration Time
Query Without ORDER BY 733ms 2,825 5,675ms = 5.7 Secs
Query With ORDER BY 1,426,536ms 46,102,492 1,431,938ms = 23.9 Mins
So why is SQL Server so slow at sorting these rows?

Well… it’s not really the Sort’s fault… it’s something else.

Take a look at the estimated plan of the first query without the ORDER BY:

Estimated Plan on Heap Query with no ORDER BY

All the tables are JOINed with Hash Join operators. That makes sense, considering there are no primary keys or indexes defined. A Merge Join operator would require pre-sorted (i.e. indexed) data and a Nested Loops Join operator would do a SEEK on its inner input (which requires an index). So a Hash Join is the best (and really only) choice to JOIN the tables.

Now take a look at the estimated query plan with the ORDER BY added to the query:

Estimated Plan on Heap Query with ORDER BY

Hmmm… The SORT operator is not at the top (i.e. left) of the tree but is instead placed further down the tree, with the JOIN of the #Prods and #OrdDetail tables. I guess that makes sense since we wanted the query to be ORDERed BY #Prods.ProductID. But the remaining Hash Joins got converted into Nested Loops Joins.

How come?

Notice the very thin arrow lines connecting the JOIN operators… in both plans above. The optimizer estimated that only 1 row (!!) would result from the JOIN of the #Prods and #OrdDetail tables. And because only 1 row is estimated, the optimizer figured it could just use a Nested Loops Join... because, hey, there’s only 1 row, and besides, a Nested Loops Join would preserve the order of the sorted rows, whereas a Hash Join may not.

But you and I know the reality of the situation is that there is not going to be only 1 row moving in the flow up the query tree… there are going to be 121,317 rows. The estimate is waaaay off.

Here’s what the Actual plan looks like for the 24-minute-long ORDER BY query.

Actual Plan on Heap Query with ORDER BY

Note the huge thick arrow lines now? They represent the actual number of rows processed. The Nested Loops Join to the #OrdHeader table performed a Table Scan of the 31465-row #OrdHeader table 121,317 times! So that resulted in 31465 * 121317 = 3,817,239,405 rows being processed. Similarly, a whopping 2,327,466,645 rows were processed out of the #Custs table. No wonder it took 24 minutes! Our friend Nora Nested-Loops must have been thoroughly exhausted at the end of this query!

So why the gross underestimation of the rows? Why did the optimizer figure that only 1 row would result in the JOIN of #Prods and #OrdDetail?

It’s those #$@*% multiple columns in the JOIN.

Take a look at how the estimates dramatically decrease as we add an additional predicate to the JOIN condition:

select p.ProductMainID as PID
from #Prods p
join #OrdDetail d on p.ProductMainID=d.ProductMainID
97783.6 Rows Estimated

select p.ProductMainID as PID
from #Prods p
join #OrdDetail d on p.ProductMainID=d.ProductMainID
and p.ProductSubID=d.ProductSubID
156.38 Rows Estimated

select p.ProductMainID as PID
from #Prods p
join #OrdDetail d on p.ProductMainID=d.ProductMainID
and p.ProductSubID=d.ProductSubID
and p.ProductSubSubID=d.ProductSubSubID
1 Row Estimated
The optimizer does use statistics to attempt to estimate the row count, but the problem is that statistics are automatically created for each column individually… they are not created for the columns collectively. So when the optimizer sees two predicates in the JOIN condition (or three), it assumes the predicates are independent and therefore more and more selective.

In reality, that is not always the case in the real world. For example, let’s say you had a JOIN condition based on Make and Model and Year of automobile. If we’re trying to join on (’Toyota’, ’Prius’, 2010), the optimizer would make estimates based on how selective ‘Toyota’ is among all other Makes and on how selective ‘Prius’ is among all other Models (regardless of Make). A Prius is very selective among all Models… it’s one of hundreds. But a Prius is not that selective among Toyotas… it’s only one of about a dozen or so.

So this is what I was dealing with in this database… Lots of multi-column JOINs between Heaps which totally annihilate performance because of bad estimates.

In my case I was not able to create any indexes… Don’t ask me why… I don’t want to talk about it… It was essentially outside the scope of the project.

I mentioned earlier that statistics are automatically created on individual columns referenced in JOIN/WHERE conditions if they don’t exist already, but statistics for collective multiple columns are NOT automatically created. The great thing about indexes, though, is that a multi-column index WILL create collective multiple-column statistics, so the optimizer can make much better estimates when dealing with multiple-column predicates. So chalk that up as another really good reason to use indexes.

Actually, we can manually create collective multi-column statistics on our own like so, and upon doing so, the query is much much faster:

create statistics Stat_PID_Main_Sub_SubSub 
on #Prods (ProductMainID,ProductSubID,ProductSubSubID)
create statistics Stat_PID_Main_Sub_SubSub
on #OrdDetail (ProductMainID,ProductSubID,ProductSubSubID)

select p.ProductMainID as PID
from #Prods p
join #OrdDetail d on p.ProductMainID=d.ProductMainID
and p.ProductSubID=d.ProductSubID
and p.ProductSubSubID=d.ProductSubSubID
join #OrdHeader h on d.SalesOrderID=h.SalesOrderID
join #Custs c on h.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
order by p.ProductMainID
2910ms Duration
With those multi-column stats created, the estimated query plan now gets a very different shape:

Estimated Plan on Heap Query After Stats Created

Unfortunately, creating these multi-column statistics was also outside of the scope of my project with this client.

What was I to do?

I ended up going with hints… Not the greatest solution, but one that I could apply quickly to the code.

You may recall a blog post I wrote in August 2010 regarding Query Hints. In one example in that blog post, I introduced a hint to force the optimizer to use a Nested Loops Join rather than a Hash Join.

In this case, though, in dealing with the Heaps and their multi-column joins, I ended up doing the exact opposite… I introduced hints to force the use of Hash Joins rather than those pesky Nested Loops Joins.

So let’s change the query to the following, specifying a Hash Join for each Join:

select p.ProductMainID as PID
from #Prods p
inner hash join #OrdDetail d on p.ProductMainID=d.ProductMainID
and p.ProductSubID=d.ProductSubID
and p.ProductSubSubID=d.ProductSubSubID
inner hash join #OrdHeader h on d.SalesOrderID=h.SalesOrderID
inner hash join #Custs c on h.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
order by d.ProductMainID
9701ms Duration
That doesn’t run quite so quickly as the query that had the advantage of the multi-column stats, but 9.7 seconds is certainly better than 24 minutes!

The estimated query plan for the Hash Join Hint query looks like this:

Estimated Plan on Heap Query with HASH JOIN Hints

It’s pretty much just like the plan for the non-ORDERBY query, except it has a SORT operator thrown in to execute at the top of the tree, after all the JOINs. When the optimizer sees Hash Join hints, it forces the query to be processed in order of how the JOINs are introduced in the query, so it first JOINs the #Prods and #OrdDetail, then the #OrdHeader, then the #Custs table.

By the way, for those of you who want to save typing, the same thing could be accomplished via the OPTION clause (instead of specifying individual JOIN hints), forcing the optimizer to use Hash Joins for every JOIN in the query:

select p.ProductMainID as PID
from #Prods p
join #OrdDetail d on p.ProductMainID=d.ProductMainID
and p.ProductSubID=d.ProductSubID
and p.ProductSubSubID=d.ProductSubSubID
join #OrdHeader h on d.SalesOrderID=h.SalesOrderID
join #Custs c on h.CustomerID=c.CustomerID
order by d.ProductMainID
option (hash join)
9701ms Duration
We could force the topology of the query plan to be just like the one that resulted from creating the statistics by rewriting the query like so:

select p.ProductMainID as PID
from #Prods p
inner hash join (#OrdDetail d
inner hash join (#OrdHeader h
inner hash join #Custs c
on h.CustomerID=c.CustomerID)
on d.SalesOrderID=h.SalesOrderID)
on p.ProductMainID=d.ProductMainID
and p.ProductSubID=d.ProductSubID
and p.ProductSubSubID=d.ProductSubSubID
order by d.ProductMainID
This forces the #Custs and #OrdHeader to JOIN first, then that result is JOINed to #OrdDetail, and then that result is finally JOINed to #Prods… just like the query plan that was able to use the multi-column stats. And it runs just as fast… 2.9 seconds.

However, that code is really difficult to read and figure out what’s going on. (It’s kinda cool, though, that we have the flexibility to write it that way, dontcha think?)

So we’ll have to settle for the 9.7 second query.

But thank goodness we can bring about these changes in behavior with the use of hints. They can certainly be a godsend when you don’t have any other options available to you.

Update Dec09,2010: Paul White wrote an excellent must-read follow-up to this article, giving some wonderful additional insights. If you’re not a regular reader of his blog, I must insist that you subscribe to it immediately. It’s a gold mine of terrific material.


  1. Excellent post! I worked on a kind-of similar project a few years back so understand your frustration.

  2. Wow, great post! A great example for the legitimate use of query hints!

  3. I just checked your blog and I am cursing myself that why I didn't find it before on internet.

    Excellent blog and of course great post

  4. @David and @Anonymous:

    Thanks for the great feedback... I'm glad you enjoyed it.


    Thanks! It was nice meeting you at PASS, though that other guy with you... Rob Something-Or-Other... was a little strange. I see that you started a blog recently... I'm adding it right now to my reader... Thanks again!

  5. Nice dude. Thanks for sharing

    Lee Everest

  6. Great example, I learnt alot.


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